• Irony Alert: American Petroleum Institute Calls For Obama To Aid ‘Economic Catastrophy’ Due To Warming-Fueled Drought

    Updated: 2012-11-30 19:00:08
    : : TRENDING Global Warming extreme weather Hurricane Sandy Election 2012 Droughts ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Election Alyssa Lamar Smith , Climate Denier , To Chair House Science Panel Sea Levels Rising 60 Faster Than Expected Since Election , Big Oil Spent 3 Million On Ads To Protect Tax Loopholes Irony Alert : American Petroleum Institute Calls For Obama To Aid Economic Catastrophy’ Due To Warming-Fueled Drought By Climate Guest Blogger on Nov 30, 2012 at 2:00 pm by Katie Valentine This summer†s historic drought hasn†t let up in fact , it†s actually expanding in some areas and it†s causing a lot of trouble in regions whose economies are driven by major bodies of . water The drought , coupled with a seasonal dry

  • How The Big Oil Lobby Secretly Funded 2012 Election Attack Ads

    Updated: 2012-11-30 16:30:12
    : TRENDING Global Warming extreme weather Hurricane Sandy Election 2012 Droughts ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Election Alyssa Lamar Smith , Climate Denier , To Chair House Science Panel Sea Levels Rising 60 Faster Than Expected Since Election , Big Oil Spent 3 Million On Ads To Protect Tax Loopholes How The Big Oil Lobby Secretly Funded 2012 Election Attack Ads By Rebecca Leber on Nov 30, 2012 at 11:30 am When Big Oil’s lobby , the American Petroleum Institute , ramped up its election-year spending , API President Jack Gerard said This is not about political party . 8221 But in addition to its misleading multi-million dollar public campaign , API also funneled at least half a million dollars through groups that ran attack ads

  • CNN: “Immigrants lead plunge in U.S. birth rate”

    Updated: 2012-11-30 14:51:59
    Congratulations to Bob Walker, president of Population Institute, for being quoted in the story below — a CNN report filed yesterday, Nov. 29th, 2012. Immigrants lead plunge in U.S. birth rate By Moni Basu, CNN See: http://inamerica.blogs.cnn.com/2012/11/29/immigrants-lead-plunge-in-u-s-birth-rate/?hpt=us_c2 (CNN) – It makes sense that since the start of the recession, the birth rate in America has [...]

  • US birth rate records a low; Annual births remain elevated near 4 million

    Updated: 2012-11-30 14:48:30
    The Pew Research Center recently announced that the U.S. birth rate fell to its lowest level since at least 1920, when reliable record-keeping began. I have included two such stories below. Specifically, the report indicated that the general fertility rate for 2011 is 63.2 per 1,000 women of child-bearing age. (It peaked in 1957 during the [...]

  • How to Grow Cool-Season Veggies with Ease

    Updated: 2012-11-30 14:24:01
    When the fall and winter seasons hit, green thumbs tend to go into hibernation. But if you feel that horticultural itch year round, you have options beyond the basic perennials’ upkeep: You can grow vegetables.

  • Will India Surge Ahead Of The West In Renewable Energy?

    Updated: 2012-11-30 14:21:57
    : TRENDING Global Warming extreme weather Hurricane Sandy Election 2012 Droughts ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Alyssa Lamar Smith , Climate Denier , To Chair House Science Panel Sea Levels Rising 60 Faster Than Expected Since Election , Big Oil Spent 3 Million On Ads To Protect Tax Loopholes Will India Surge Ahead Of The West In Renewable Energy By Climate Guest Blogger on Nov 30, 2012 at 9:21 am by Hannah Green This August , power shortages in India that left 300 million in the dark made it very clear that one of the world†s fastest growing economies was facing an energy crisis . Less clear is how realistically to solve it . Many firms are looking for new sources of oil to fulfill India†s growing energy demands , but this

  • Nov. 30 News: ‘We Have To Face The Fact That The Deniers Are Wrong,’ Says Sen. Whitehouse In Climate Hearing

    Updated: 2012-11-30 13:12:26
    . : , . : TRENDING Global Warming extreme weather Hurricane Sandy Election 2012 Droughts ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Alyssa Lamar Smith , Climate Denier , To Chair House Science Panel Sea Levels Rising 60 Faster Than Expected Since Election , Big Oil Spent 3 Million On Ads To Protect Tax Loopholes Nov . 30 News : We Have To Face The Fact That The Deniers Are Wrong , 8217 Says Sen . Whitehouse In Climate Hearing By Stephen Lacey on Nov 30, 2012 at 8:12 am At a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing featuring sometimes tearful reports from lawmakers representing East Coast states , some panel Democrats suggested putting customary congressional collegiality on the back burner to push more forcefully for mitigating

  • End-of-the-Month Crowdfunding on Hangin’ with sustainablog

    Updated: 2012-11-29 22:11:38
    Missed today's Hangin' with sustainablog Hangout on Air? No problem - we've got it recorded for you.

  • Riverside, California: Solar Town USA??

    Updated: 2012-11-29 18:50:35
    A number of towns around the country have put their bid in for "capital" of particular renewable energy technologies: Rock Port, Missouri, for instance, is completely powered by wind, and Reynolds, Indiana was shooting for the title of Biotown USA. Solar's still competitive on this front, but, today, Riverside, California tossed its hat in the ring for the title of America's Solar City.

  • Links between climate change and population growth

    Updated: 2012-11-29 14:10:53
    Congratulations to John Seager, President of Population Connection, for the following Op-Ed, which has appeared in several iterations in various publications around the country. Especially interesting here is that Mr. Seager gets into the informational and cultural barriers of access to contraception (as opposed to just lack of availability/supply): “They include misinformation about side effects [...]

  • November 29 News: Group Threatens To Sue EPA For Not Acting Quickly Enough On Carbon

    Updated: 2012-11-29 00:59:18
    : : TRENDING Global Warming extreme weather Hurricane Sandy Election 2012 Droughts ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Alyssa Lamar Smith , Climate Denier , To Chair House Science Panel Sea Levels Rising 60 Faster Than Expected Since Election , Big Oil Spent 3 Million On Ads To Protect Tax Loopholes November 29 News : Group Threatens To Sue EPA For Not Acting Quickly Enough On Carbon By Stephen Lacey on Nov 29, 2012 at 7:59 am Campaigners threatened to sue the Environmental Protection Agency EPA on Wednesday in an effort to push Barack Obama to make good on his re-election promise to act on climate change . Guardian As President Obama approaches the start of his second term , the country faces a growing list of climate and

  • Polish/Scottish Worries

    Updated: 2012-11-28 21:48:29
    Two more European countries are starting to fret about their demographic future. Read more...

  • Study: Sea Levels Rising 60% Faster Than Projected, Planet Keeps Warming As Expected

    Updated: 2012-11-28 21:14:31
    : , : TRENDING Global Warming extreme weather Hurricane Sandy Election 2012 Droughts ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Election Alyssa Lamar Smith , Climate Denier , To Chair House Science Panel Sea Levels Rising 60 Faster Than Expected Since Election , Big Oil Spent 3 Million On Ads To Protect Tax Loopholes Study : Sea Levels Rising 60 Faster Than Projected , Planet Keeps Warming As Expected By Joe Romm on Nov 28, 2012 at 4:14 pm A new study , Comparing climate projections to observations up to 2011, confirms that climate change is happening as fast and in some cases faster than climate models had projected . The news release : explains The rate of sea-level rise in the past decades is greater than projected by the latest

  • Come Hang with sustainablog to Discuss Current Green Crowdfunding Projects

    Updated: 2012-11-28 18:51:06
    On this week's Hangin' with sustainablog Hangout on Air at Google+, we'll be discussing cool green crowdfunding projects... whether they're ours, a friend or colleague's, or just something we cam across and liked. Several creators of current projects will join us, as well as members of the Important Media team.

  • Land transformation by humans: A review

    Updated: 2012-11-28 15:38:11
    Below is a scholarly article recently published as the featured science article in the magazine of the Geological Society of America, GSA Today. Near their conclusion, the authors state “Reducing demand is a critical component of the solution, but in itself is not sufficient, given the magnitude of the problem. Technological progress, particularly in the [...]

  • Rep. Lamar Smith, Who Criticized ‘The Idea Of Human-Made Global Warming,’ Set To Chair House Science Panel

    Updated: 2012-11-28 15:15:09
    . , , : TRENDING Global Warming extreme weather Hurricane Sandy Election 2012 Droughts ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Alyssa Lamar Smith , Climate Denier , To Chair House Science Panel Sea Levels Rising 60 Faster Than Expected Since Election , Big Oil Spent 3 Million On Ads To Protect Tax Loopholes Rep . Lamar Smith , Who Criticized The Idea Of Human-Made Global Warming , 8217 Set To Chair House Science Panel By Stephen Lacey on Nov 28, 2012 at 10:15 am Climate advocates celebrated after winning nearly every Congressional race they targeted during the national elections , including four of the Flat Earth Five” climate deniers in the House of Representatives . But with the balance of power essentially the same in Washington ,

  • How Do We Define “Corporate Sustainability?”

    Updated: 2012-11-28 14:09:13
    What does corporate sustainability actually mean? A company gives lots of money to charity? Follows rules and regulations? Or something else? Roger Ballantine of Green Strategies, Inc., wrestles with these questions.

  • November 28 News: IEA Chief Economist Sees ‘No Momentum’ For International Progress On Climate

    Updated: 2012-11-28 13:15:52
    : : TRENDING Global Warming extreme weather Hurricane Sandy Election 2012 Droughts ThinkProgress Climate Progress Climate Progress Climate Economy Health Justice LGBT Security Election Alyssa Lamar Smith , Climate Denier , To Chair House Science Panel Sea Levels Rising 60 Faster Than Expected Since Election , Big Oil Spent 3 Million On Ads To Protect Tax Loopholes November 28 News : IEA Chief Economist Sees No Momentum’ For International Progress On Climate By Stephen Lacey on Nov 28, 2012 at 8:15 am Top International Energy Agency IEA officials offered a bleak assessment Tuesday of the prospects for global progress on preventing big temperature increases . The Hill Fatih Birol , the IEA†s chief economist , said Tuesday that he sees “no momentum” on climate , noting that prospects

  • Individuals a population to conserve make

    Updated: 2012-11-28 04:22:43
    Unique in its genus, the saiga antelope inhabits the steppes and semi-desert environments in two sub-species split between Kazakhstan (Saiga tatarica tatarica, ~ 80% of the individuals) and Mongolia (Saiga tatarica mongolica). Locals hunt them for their meat and the (attributed) medicinal properties of male horns. Like many ungulates, the population is sensitive to winter [...]

  • Hemp Proves Its Value as a Building Material

    Updated: 2012-11-27 16:27:22
    Sure, you can turn parts of the hemp plant intro fabrics, oils, and even hemp milk... but building materials? That how one builder in North Carolina is using this versatile plant.

  • What Starts Here… Accelerates Destruction?

    Updated: 2012-11-27 15:19:40
    The essay below was penned by a professor at the University of Texas at Austin, Robert Jensen, and appeared in the Austin Post on Nov. 15th. Jensen is a professor in the UT School of Journalism and board member of the Third Coast Activist Resource Center in Austin. He is the author of “Arguing for [...]

  • Nothing to Drink for Me – Just Water [Infographic]

    Updated: 2012-11-26 17:37:40
    Ever notice how we ask for "just water" at a restaurant? Like the source of all life is somehow inferior to soda or a glass of wine (both of which are mostly water)? A new infographic from a British plumbing company gives you just about every fact you need to know about water... including the ways we're wasting it

  • Petition the Whitehouse: Stabilize US Population at or Below 333 Million

    Updated: 2012-11-26 15:01:15
    You may be interested in the following petition created and sent along by Mark Powell, which calls on the U.S. administration to stabilize U.S. population. We petition the Obama administration to: Protect our future by setting a goal of stabilizing the U.S. population at or below one-third of a billion people. Demographers expect the U.S.population [...]

  • International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

    Updated: 2012-11-26 14:56:48
    Below are remarks by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon about the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Following them is a news story filed by the Kuwait News Agency, which  reports on a sobering speech given by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, in which she includes remarks on the story [...]

  • Billions in Subsidies Prop Up Unsustainable Overfishing

    Updated: 2012-11-26 14:53:05
    Billions in Subsidies Prop Up Unsustainable Overfishing See: http://www.nationofchange.org/billions-subsidies-prop-unsustainable-overfishing-1352472312 Calls are mounting for the world’s big fishing powers to stop subsidizing international fleets that use destructive methods like bottom trawling in foreign coastal waters, drastically reducing the catch of local artisanal fishers who use nets and fishing lines. Such subsidies total 27 billion dollars a [...]

  • Taking Stock: World Fish Catch Falls to 90 Million Tons in 2012

    Updated: 2012-11-26 14:50:13
    Taking Stock: World Fish Catch Falls to 90 Million Tons in 2012 November 19, 2012, J. Matthew Roney See: http://www.earth-policy.org/indicators/C55/fish_catch_2012 The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) projects that the world’s wild fish harvest will fall to 90 million tons in 2012, down 2 percent from 2011. This is close to 4 percent below the [...]

  • Friday Scold

    Updated: 2012-11-22 20:47:39
    Paul Ehrlich is STILL going. Good grief!

  • Improving the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

    Updated: 2012-11-22 19:29:49
    Laurance & Pimm organise another excellent tropical conservation open-letter initiative. This follows our 2010 paper (Improving the performance of the Roundtable on Sustainable Oil Palm for nature conservation) in Conservation Biology. – Scientists Statement on the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil’s Draft Revised Principles and Criteria for Public Consultation – November 2012 As leading scientists [...]

  • Why Buy Local? Why Not? [Infographic]

    Updated: 2012-11-21 18:55:07
    Feeling the need to do some holiday shopping over the next few days? No doubt, some will find Black Friday (or, shoot, Black Thursday now) deals too tempting to resist. But if you can wait a day, and focus your buying on small, local businesses on Small Business Saturday, you'll avoid a lot of environmental impact, and do more good for your local economy.

  • Population increase ‘slowing to a crawl’ in New Zealand

    Updated: 2012-11-21 07:29:44
    Like many countries, the New Zealand population increase has “slowed to a crawl” according to news provider ‘Stuff’. Recently released population statistics for the year ended September 2012 show that live births decreased by 1799, while deaths increased by 249. Will this trend mean that over time we will become less tolerant of the children and families in our community? Read more...

  • Essential predators

    Updated: 2012-11-21 05:19:17
    Here at ConservationBytes.com, My contributors and I have highlighted the important regulating role of predators in myriad systems. We have written extensively on the mesopredator release concept applied to dingos, sharks and coyotes, but we haven’t really expanded on the broader role of predators in more complex systems. This week comes an elegant experimental study [...]

  • Japan’s Future Prospect

    Updated: 2012-11-20 01:21:21
    Japan's demographic future is examined and an answer is proposed: robots. Read more...

  • Water, Food, Shelter, Condoms – All are Human Rights says UN

    Updated: 2012-11-15 04:17:29
    The UN has decreed that contraception is a universal human right. Read more...

  • Protected areas work, but only when you put in the effort

    Updated: 2012-11-14 19:56:58
    Apologies for the delay in getting this latest post out. If you read my last one, you’ll know that I’ve been in the United Kingdom for the last week. I’m writing this entry in the train down from York to Heathrow, from which I’ll shortly begin the gruelling 30-hour trip home to Adelaide. Eight days [...]

  • A posthumous citation tribute for Sodhi

    Updated: 2012-11-05 23:36:30
    I’m sitting at a friend’s house in Sydney writing this quick entry before jumping on a plane to London. It’s been a busy few days, and will be an even busier next few weeks. I met with Paul and Anne Ehrlich yesterday (who are visiting Australia) and we finalised the first complete draft of our [...]

  • Malaysia’s planned new eco-city

    Updated: 2012-11-05 03:21:31
    Malaysia is planning a new green, energy efficient eco-city called “Iskandar Malaysia”. The country expects the new development, which covers about 2500 square kilometres, to have 3 million residents by 2025. Read more...

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